Total miles traveled: 3,420.8
Longest day (hours)*: 13 hours and 20 minutes on July 25th from Madison, WI to Clearfield, PA
Most miles in a day*: 689.2 on July 25th.
*2nd runner up for this was 12 hours and 45 minutes to go 562.1 miles on 7/17. We drove only 30 minutes less than our longest day but went 127.1 fewer miles thanks to Chicago traffic and the Great Potato Wedge Debacle of 2009.
Lowest gas price: $2.29 in Elma, IA
Highest gas price: $2.75 in Fishkill, NY
Average gas price: $2.48
Average MPG: I didn't actually go back and calculate this because I'm too lazy to dig out all the receipts and match them to my mileage log but the two times I did do it we were getting 21 mpg on the highway so we'll go with that as an answer.
Number of days: 11
Number of vomiting incidences: 2
Number of meals at Mabe's Pizza: 4
Number of meals at Arby's: 3
Number of meals at McDonald's: 1
Number of pitchers of beer: Ummm.....I lost track.
Day 1: 583.3 miles - Upton, MA to Youngstown, OH
Day 2: 562.1 miles - Youngstown, OH to Madison, WI
Day 3: hanging around Madison
Day 4: 142.5 - Madison, WI to Decorah, IA
Day 5: hanging around Decorah
Day 6: 134.1 miles (hanging around Decorah plus we went to Elma, IA and back.)
Day 7: 274.7 miles - Decorah, IA to Aitkin, MN
Day 8: hanging around the lake
Day 9: 431.3 miles - Aitkin, MN to Decorah, IA to Ridgeway, IA to Madison, WI
Day 10: 689.2 miles - Madison, WI to Clearfield, PA
Day 11: 444.0 miles - Clearfield, PA to Upton, MA
6 months ago
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