Thursday, July 30, 2009

Such a dilemma

A week from Saturday is the 10-year anniversary of when Lincoln and I started dating. Since we still feel like we're dating we celebrate it every year in at least some small way. Ten years, of course, has to be celebrated with something big.

This morning Lincoln mentioned to me that he has planned a romantic, overnight surprise getaway for me for our anniversary. I felt obligated to tell him that I too have planned a romantic, overnight surprise for him. Hmmm....what to do, what to do.

Neither of us are willing to reveal our plans to the other so we've brought in a 3rd party mediator. Rachel is aware of both of our plans and has weighed in. Once I discuss her response with Lincoln we'll have to decide how to proceed.

What problems to have in a marriage......whose romantic getaway should we go with? We can only be so lucky.

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