So apparently my husband reads this blog. Go figure. Tonight, because I think he is secretly a Republican masquerading in an Independent's body, he asked me if a small part of me supported McCain/Palin because Governor Palin is a woman. The answer to that would be: "No!" His devil's advocate reply was "but you were talking about being a part of history in your blog earlier today." My response: "Hitler was also a part of history". While I am NOT saying that Governor Palin is equivalent to Hitler, I do not vote with my ovaries any more than Lincoln votes with his penis. Just because something will make history does not make it great. But I will admit if a more qualified woman was elected as VP it would probably have made me a tiny bit proud.
I am a Democrat. I will openly admit that to anyone who asks. For the most part I will vote along party lines but I am open to a good moderate Republican as a lesser of two evils (the bigger of two evils being someone along the lines of George W. Bush). I had no major problems with McCain until last week. While I want Obama to win, and I certainly plan to vote for him, I would not have been as desperate to move to Canada as I was with the past two elections. I could have lived with the decision. Until now. I am a woman. I am a PTO mother. I live in a town only slightly smaller than the town that Sarah Palin was mayor of. I do NOT think that qualifies her to be "a heartbeat away from the Presidency". And that statement is true in this situation more than it ever was before. Senator McCain is a four (or five?) time cancer survivor. If elected he will be the oldest President ever. There is a fair to middlin' chance that he could die in the next four to eight years. Do you really want an individual who has run a state for less than 18 months, and that is smaller than a number of U.S. cities, running our country during a time of war, recession, and energy crisis?
Okay, enough of standing on my soap box for today, but just humor me and watch this clip from the Jon Stewart show. What impresses me about the Republican party is that no matter what they said the month before, they can turn around and say the opposite the following month with a straight face and an honest belief that you'll believe what they say.
6 months ago
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