I love JetBlue. I really do. They always come through for me. JetBlue is awesome because they have TVs in the back of every seat and they fly a direct route to Seattle from Boston but that's not the only reason that I love them.
Let's start at the beginning....
A few years ago I decided that I was going to fly out to Seattle with Hannah in February. I believe she was four at the time and the plan was for me to fly out to Seattle with her and stay a few days and then I'd leave and fly home and Hannah would return the following weekend with Grandma Dena. We were taking an evening flight and I left work and met Lincoln at the airport. He handed off Hannah who had fallen asleep in the car and went back home with Jake who was just a baby at the time. Hannah and I went to get a bite to eat before going through security and she was a little lethargic but I thought it was because she had fallen asleep on the ride to the airport. While we were eating dinner she said her ear hurt. I told her we'd get some Tylenol for her before we got on the plane. After dinner we bought some Tylenol, went through security, and headed for our gate. I had our carry-on bag and her car seat so I couldn't carry her and she had to walk through the airport by herself. When we sat down I went to give her the Tylenol and discovered she was burning up. I gave her some Tylenol and at that moment they announced our flight had changed gates. She followed me through the airport to the new gate and when we got there our flight was boarding. Before I could make any decisions or think anything through we were on the plane and in our seats. Hannah has thrown up on planes before and since I was worried about her being sick I checked to see that she had an air sickness bag in her seat pocket. She didn't and I asked the flight attendant about it and she suggested that we get off the plane and fly another day if Hannah had an ear infection, which is what we suspected at that moment. The only reason I hadn't gotten off already was because I thought they would charge us an arm and a leg to change our flights and I was hoping that Hannah would fall asleep for the whole ride and not be that uncomfortable. I finally decided to get off the plane and even though they were about to close the doors they let me get off but she said our bags would continue onto Seattle. That was fine because I was hoping to get on a flight the next day. We got off the plane and they rebooked our tickets for the next evening without any fees or giving us any problems at all. The next day I took Hannah to the doctor, got her on antibiotics and got cleared by her doctor to fly that evening. I then called the JetBlue baggage office in Seattle and left them a voice mail asking them to make sure they didn't send our bags back to Boston because we'd be flying in that night. When Hannah and I got off the plane that night the crew from the previous night was waiting to board the plane and they recognized me and Hannah and they stopped her and asked how she was feeling and if she was excited to see Grandma (she had been crying on the plane the night before because she was afraid if we got off the plane she wouldn't get to go see Grandma). They were so great with her and after we finished talking with them we started to head towards baggage and I heard my name paged over the intercom. Since it was the middle of the night, and the airport was fairly empty, they paged me to an empty ticket counter where they had our bags waiting for us on a luggage cart and when we walked up they asked me how Hannah was feeling. I couldn't believe the level of customer service and since it was the first time I had ever flown with them I was very impressed.
They've gone above and beyond on a number of other things for me in the past few years as well and as always I was looking forward to flying them when we go out to California this weekend. For reasons that would take too long to explain here (I think I've rambled enough already) I had to split up our bookings for this flight into Lincoln/Jake and me and Hannah. Two tickets were booked directly through JetBlue and two through Expedia. Even though I booked them separately they were booked at the same time and I made sure to go into the JetBlue website with both confirmation numbers and book all 4 of our seats together. When I went in to print our flight info yesterday I noticed that the seats for Hannah and me had been taken out and there were only center seats left and we wouldn't be all together. I was pissed. I sent a very irate letter to JetBlue saying that apparently since I had booked those tickets through Expedia they were treating me like a third class citizen in favor of someone who had booked directly through JetBlue that wanted those seats. I really let them have it.
Anyway, to make a long story short (too late, I know), JetBlue wrote me back today and apologized for the inconvenience and put the four of us together. I am once again madly in love with JetBlue.
Please fly them so they don't go out of business.
6 months ago
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