Jake has always been a Daddy's boy. There were periods when he was younger where he wanted nothing to do with me. He and Daddy would be downstairs and if I walked into the room he would yell at me to go back upstairs. I wasn't even allowed to be in the same room as him and Daddy.
We're currently back in a "Daddy only" cycle. In the morning when he wakes up Jake will climb up into bed with us and say "Good morning Daddy". That's it. When I say "Good morning Jake" I am met with silence.
The other day Lincoln came home with the kids and I was working in the office just off the area by the side door where they entered. Hannah came all the way in the house and went to play in the living room. Jake was standing there asking Daddy for chocolate milk. Link told him he couldn't get him milk right away because he had to finish unloading stuff from the car.
Me: Hey Jakey, come here.
Jake: What?
Me: What do you need?
Jake: I want lotta chocolate milk and Daddy said he can't get it. (That's his thing, he always wants "lotta chocolate milk", never a little)
Me: You know, there are other people in this house that could get you what you want.
Jake: But Hannah doesn't know how to make chocolate milk.
Me: What about me? I'll make you chocolate milk if you ask me using your manners.
Jake: I'll wait for Daddy.
And it's not that Daddy will do it without him using his manners. Daddy always makes him use manners too. It's just that I'm Mommy and therefore not Daddy and therefore not the center of his universe.
6 months ago
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