There is a website out there in Internet land called and it's pretty interesting. It is full of these short (approx. 5 minute) videos done by "mommy bloggers" that discuss every possible topic you can think of (breastfeeding, keeping your marriage fresh, disciplining your child, etc.). I don't always agree with what some of the women say but it's pretty interesting to listen to the various points of view. There are three women per video and while many of them appear in a lot of videos it's never the same three women in every video.
Anyway, I was just watching one on the "Mommy Wars" which is basically the idea that women are constantly battling each other on topics such as stay-at-home moms vs. working moms or breastfeeding moms vs. formula feeding moms, etc. I definitely think that there are Mommy Wars out there to a degree. I definitely feel like I get some grief for being a working mom and while I respect stay-at-home moms tremendously I do sometimes catch myself wondering what they have to bitch about when they say they're so busy. I mean, I have two kids, a long commute, a full time job, and I still find time to do the PTO....what the heck do they do all day? But I think of myself as a rational human being and so after the initial defensiveness passes I admit to myself that they may not get paid to work but by staying home with their children they are essentially working a full-time job that I pay someone else to do but they're doing it for free. And God bless 'em....I could NOT be a stay-at-home mom. Been there...tried that for a few months....hated it.
Anyway, my point of this post is that I wanted to disagree with this comment (and the woman who made it is actually one of the bloggers that I usually like to listen to and often agree with):
"I think that our tendency as a culture to take what are essentially hecklers and label them as part of some movement is really damaging."
Heckling is defined as "somebody who insults, makes fun of, or teases". I may occasionally have the defensive reaction that I'm a better parent then someone who makes a different parenting choice than I do but I openly admit that I'm not perfect. I disagree with this woman dismissing parents who don't agree with her as hecklers who aren't part of a Mommy Movement (whatever that movement may be) because who is to say that she is the Mommy Movement instead of them. Or even on the correct side of the argument.
So in short, I have no point to this post other than the fact that yes, Mom's secretly (and sometimes openly) disagree with each other and yes, I think there are Mommy Wars to a certain extent and yes, I'm guilty of it too but no, I don't think any of us are wrong for's just human nature...and therefore we're all on the right side of reason at least in our own minds and we're entitled to our opinions. Of course now I've just argued that she's wrong to think what she thinks and I'm therefore invalidating my whole argument. Or am I confirming my argument that I'm entitled to disagree with her without being labeled a heckler? is seriously time for bed now. And no, I'm not drunk. I actually write some of my most insightful posts when I'm under the influence but this is not one of them. I'm just way over tired.
6 months ago
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