Yesterday was definitely a busy day with a lot of multi-tasking. Lincoln made breakfast for everyone while I started packing for our night in the city. After breakfast Lincoln headed to karate with Jake (he received his white belt and I will post those pictures later) while Hannah and I headed out to find me an outfit to wear to the big party last night. After karate Lincoln and Jake joined us so that we could pick out an outfit for Link too. I loved my outfit but I really like what we picked for Lincoln....I have to say he was looking very stylish. We got him some cool new jeans, a beautiful dress shirt and tie, and some awesome new shoes. He was stylin'....very rock 'n roll.
After shopping Lincoln and the kids headed out to lunch while I went to my hair appointment. I was scheduled to touch up my blond hair (my roots were terrible) and get a cut but instead I ended up dying it brown and cutting off 3 inches. It's a little "Rachel from Friends" circa 1995 but it looks pretty good. After their lunch Lincoln brought me a sandwich while the kids also got their hair cut. The kids and I actually finished up at the same time so we all headed home.
Once we got home we finished packing and hit the road for Boston. Originally our plan was to get to the venue at 7:30 (before I found out I had to work) but now our plan was to head over there at 6:30. On the way into the city I found out my boss would be arriving at 6:30 instead of 7:30 so I now had to push up my arrival time to about 5:30/6:00. Luckily I got in and did what needed to be done and then Lincoln and I headed across the street for a quick bite to eat. Unfortunately I didn't make it through the entire meal before my phone was ringing and I was running back over to the venue and leaving Lincoln to settle the tab. That was pretty much the last time I saw Lincoln for about 2 hours.
The club opening was the place to be. It was a VIP invitation-only event and the line was insane. I believe at one point someone told me it took them an hour and a half to get through the line. My job was to get the very, very VIPs through the line much more quickly. Unfortunately I had new high heels on that tortured my feet as I ran all over the place. Luckily I was so busy for the first part of the night that it didn't hit me until a little later. Even better, I remembered to pack a change of shoes so I actually switched them out when I was finally "off duty". I put that in quotes because I'm never really off duty at one of these things.
The night was a lot of fun and we got back to the hotel room about 2:15 a.m. We slept in until about 9:50 and then ordered breakfast. Lincoln is a little slow getting started this morning (he was hanging out with some of my colleagues and having a little too much fun last night.....LOL) so I figured I'd update the blog. We'll be heading home shortly and then I have to get ready for my Oscar night festivities. More about that later.
6 months ago
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