As any parent will tell you kids often repeat things that you say to other people. These things are often taken out of context - or worse yet, repeated with no context at all - and it can be absolutely hilarious when it happens. It can also be rather horrifying if you hear about it later and/or aren't around to give the correct context when it is said. When it's said to strangers or passing acquaintances when you're not around you can sometimes want to take an ad out in the local newspaper to explain the statement your child just made. I'm sure daycare providers are constantly cracking up at what children tell them.
This story is actually an absolutely hilarious one and it was Hannah - not Jake - that threw me under the proverbial bus. My friend Tracy has a great iPod speaker that she carries around with her in her purse. We used to joke about "the party in her purse" but since she often carries it around with her in her pocket - and because it's way funnier to call it by this name - we often refer to it as "her party in her pants." I told Lincoln that I wanted an iPod speaker for my birthday last week so that we could have music out by the pool when we're hanging out so he bought me the same kind of speaker that Tracy carries around with her. That gift prompted the following out-of-context conversation to take place between Grandma Dena and Hannah last week.
Grandma: What did your mom get for her birthday?
Hannah: A party in her pants.
6 months ago
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