Hannah has been complaining about headaches for awhile. They tend to come and go without any sign of them being too terribly serious but since it seems to be a consistent problem I decided to take her to the doctor today. For the past week I've had her keep a log of when she gets a headache and what she was doing just prior to getting the headache. I figured if they were happening at school or while she was watching TV that it might be her eyes. Unfortunately it wasn't that consistent and the thing that kept throwing me is that she has them when she wakes up in the morning.
As I'm sitting in the doctor's office listening to him talk about neurologists and CT scans I was going over and over in my head about the headaches when she wakes up because it just seemed like that should mean something to me.
Then it occurred to me. Hannah grinds her teeth. I don't know why I didn't think of it before. Not only do I think to myself every time I hear it "That's going to cause her problems when she's older" but I also have to wear a night guard myself because I clench my teeth in my sleep. If I don't wear mine I wake up with very severe ear pain and occasional headaches. Why the hell did I not think of that before? I guess I just thought she was too young for that sort of stuff. Now I need to make her a dentist appointment. My night guard wasn't cheap so if that is what she needs I'm not terribly looking forward to paying for new ones every few years. I think mine cost $400.
In more medical news, Lincoln and I both had our physicals today. Everything checked out for both of us although we both have to go in and have routine blood work done. Lincoln has been referred to a dermatologist for a suspicious looking mole which makes me a little bit nervous. I briefly dated a guy in high school whose father died from skin cancer when he let a mole go unchecked for too long. Needless to say that makes me a little nervous and Lincoln has promised he'll call first thing in the morning to get an appointment scheduled. Dad, if you're racking your brain to figure out who it was that I'm referring to, it was the one you only ever referred to as Goofy.
6 months ago
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