Back in January 1997 I spent 3 weeks over in Europe and fell in love with a beer called Carlsberg. In 2004 Lincoln and I spent a long weekend in Ireland and everywhere we went the bars had these great beer glasses with Carlsberg written on them. I looked all over the place to buy the glass but couldn't find them. Unfortunately none of the bars that we were in were conducive to absconding with one of the glasses. Finally, on the last night we were there we stayed in an old castle turned hotel outside of Dublin. We went down to the hotel bar and they served my Carlsberg in one of these glasses. Lincoln and I decided to "explore" the castle while finishing our drinks and walked around the castle - right up to our room - where the glass was quickly washed and put in my suitcase. Every time we cook Mexican food Lincoln serves Dos XX to me in my Carlsberg glass. (Yeah, I'm not sure about the Mexican/Irish connection there.) Tonight we were having enchiladas and as I was drinking out of my glass this conversation took place:
Me: If either of you ever break Mommy's Carlsberg glass you'll have to save up your pennies to go back to Ireland and steal Mommy another one.
(Hannah perks up at this statement.)
Me: Actually, I didn't steal this glass so much as it accidentally ended up in my suitcase.
Hannah: Oh really?
Me: Yes, somehow it fell off the counter and into my suitcase and I didn't notice it until we got home.
Hannah: I'm not sure I believe that.
6 months ago
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