I was upstairs a few minutes ago when Jake came up crying like the world was ending. He even threw himself on the bed in a very dramatic fashion. Apparently one of the balls from his "rods and balls" (i.e. Magnetix) had gone behind the tv and Daddy told him he couldn't reach it. He was very upset. I told him I'd come down with him and we'd try to get it out with the broom.
He perked right up. We got the broom but unfortunately the ball was stuck in some of the cords on the floor behind the tv. I got one of the rods, taped it to the broom, and since they're magnetic, pulled the ball out that way. Jake was very excited and couldn't wait to tell Daddy and Hannah how Mommy saved his toy.
During this whole process three things crossed my mind. 1) At what age is Jake going to stop coming to me with his problems? 2) At what age will his problems become much bigger than a lost toy? and 3) At what age will I no longer be able to fix his problems for him?
Jake is my little boy, my youngest, and I know that he's going to grow up faster than I'd like. While I worry about Hannah growing up (or more importantly, outgrowing us) I don't worry about it quite the way that I worry about Jake. How does that saying go? "A son is your son until he takes a wife. Your daughter is a daughter all of her life." I know Hannah is always going to be my little girl but it seems like boys grow up and move on. That makes me sad. And also makes me very glad to have both a little boy and a little girl.
6 months ago
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