When I was pregnant with Jake, even though I didn't know yet that I was having a boy, I started bawling one day while I was driving to work. What set me off? Certain lyrics from "Should Have Been a Cowboy" by Toby Keith.
Go West young man, haven't you been told
California's full of whiskey, women, and gold
I don't know why that makes me cry...it still can on occasion. I think it's the idea of young men setting out on their own and exploring the West, leaving everything they know behind. I know it's cheesy and Tracy never lets me forget it, but I blame it on the pregnancy. They say your body knows what you're having, boy or girl, even when you don't. Add in the hormones and you're screwed.
Tonight I was listening to Pink's "Dear Mr. President" song and once again the tear ducts went into overload, during the wartime lyric:
How do you dream
when a mother has no chance to say goodbye?
All of a sudden I had two visions in my head. The first one of Jake, sitting on the steps in all his naked baby glory with his sunlit curls, and the next of men in uniform coming to inform me my son was gone. I bawled like a baby.
There are lots of songs about daughters and their daddy's but it's the ones about mothers and sons that just kill me. Not that I don't get teary-eyed with the daughter songs but man, I really lose it when it comes to moms and their sons. I don't think there is anything equivalent for mothers and their daughters. If so, please send me song and artist. I'm always up for a good cry.
6 months ago
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