Jump ropes.
You would think that jump ropes would be a fairly innocuous subject but strangely enough it is quite the hot button topic around the local moms group lately. Apparently our school was mentioned on a local radio program in regards to the fact that our gym teacher, who is fantastic, occasionally uses ropeless jump ropes to teach the kids.
Yes, ropeless ropes. Before I dive into my feelings on the subject I'll share with you my conversation with Hannah.
Me: Hannah, what do you know about these ropeless jump ropes in gym class? Do you ever use them?
Hannah: You mean Jump Snaps?
Me: Uh, sure. Are those the jump ropes with no ropes?
Hannah: Yes.
Me: So, what are they used for?
Hannah: To practice jumping rope.
Me: But you're not really practicing jumping rope if there is no rope, right?
Hannah: I guess.
Me: So you're basically practicing jumping?
Hannah: Yeah, I guess.
Sooooo, yes, apparently our children are learning to jump rope without ropes. And this isn't because we don't have jump ropes. Or even that we can't afford jump ropes since apparently we can afford ropeless jump ropes which have handles with counters but no rope.
This is where I get a little politically incorrect.
It's not jumping rope if there is no rope. The very definition of jumping ROPE is that you have to jump over a rope. But apparently some kids have their feelings hurt if they don't have the coordination to jump rope. And apparently it's better cardio for them if they don't get tripped up by the rope and have to keep stopping. I'll grant you that one but then just have them jump in place. Don't have them pretend to have a rope that they're jumping over.
And people wonder why the younger generation is so delusional.
6 months ago
We have skipping techniques for real jump ropes here.
duvide Jumpropes
This. Is. Crap. A child's self esteem isn't going to be traumatized to the point of no return because they have trouble jumping rope. The world is crazy today.
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