Politics are really starting to disgust me. No one is listening to the other side anymore and everyone would rather shout sound bites and tweet at each other via Twitter than actually get anything done. Politicians tiptoe around each other because God forbid the other side get something they can run on the opposing side's networks on a 24/7 news cycle.
President Obama gave a fairly fiery speech over Labor Day weekend to a union crowd. I didn't watch it but I heard Newt Gringrich talking about it yesterday. He said that it wasn't appropriate for a President to be giving a speech like that anymore now that he isn't a candidate and that the President needs to present a speech that caters to both sides of the aisle before praising Obama's speech to students yesterday for doing just that. (Ironic, really, since the Republicans were screaming that the speech to students would indoctrinate our children to the President's socialist plan to bring down our country.)
Well tonight the President is going to address a joint session of Congress in hopes of getting the health care plan moving. I don't know what he's going to say. I don't even know what I think he's going to say since all the networks, blogs, and newspapers are constantly saying something different but I just hope he says something.
We don't need any more of this wishy-washy political caution. This country needs someone to come in and say, to BOTH sides of the political aisle, "Listen up! You guys are the political leaders of this country. You have been voted into office to help the people of this country. You are not here to cater to lobbyists who line your pockets. You are here for the people who have no voice. You are here for the people that do have a voice. You are here to serve EVERYONE so shut the fuck up and stop acting like children. " And then he needs to lock them in the capitol and take away their blackberries and their computers and their cell phones and tell them no one is allowed to come out until SOMETHING has been accomplished. I don't care what. I don't care which side "wins". Just fucking do something and stop all this "he said / she said / death panels / socialist agenda" crap. They all need to get their heads out of their asses and their hands out of the pockets of whoever pays the most money to buy their vote and get back to RUNNING THE DAMN COUNTRY!!!!!!!
Can you tell I'm fired up about this?
Anyway, here is a cinematic version of what we need from Obama's speech tonight. Someone who is sick of the media spin and the critics coming at him over pointless trivia and not even bothering to debate policy.
6 months ago
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