Last night was the Sullivan's annual camp out. Our neighbors have a large pasture at their house and every year they have a bunch of people over to pitch tents in the pasture and they build a huge bonfire. Lincoln and the kids usually go up and they really enjoy it. The original camp out this year was scheduled in August but got postponed until last night due to a tropical storm that was moving through the area.
Hannah didn't go last night because she came down with a terrible cold yesterday and had a fever of 100.8 degrees. Lincoln and Jake packed up the tent and the sleeping bags and headed up there in the early evening. It was supposed to be in the high 30's / low 40's overnight so I didn't think they'd actually make it through the entire night but they had packed the "high-tech" sleeping bag and plenty of extra blankets. I figured that even if Lincoln didn't decide it was too cold that Jake would drive him nuts complaining and they would be home before midnight.
I was wrong. They made it through the entire night and Lincoln actually said that 1) Jake slept until almost 8 (unheard of!) and 2) that he - Lincoln, that is - got a good night's sleep. What I didn't except to hear was that THEY WERE THE ONLY ONES THAT DID IT! Yep, no one else spent the night. No one else even bothered to pitch the tent because they knew how cold it was going to be. Even Rich went in and slept in his house. But Lincoln and our FOUR AND A HALF YEAR OLD slept outside within 10 degrees of the freezing point on the thermometer. I don't know if I should clobber Lincoln over the head or shake his hand and say "Good job."
6 months ago
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