I will refrain from a long, long, LONG posting regarding the stupidity, hatred, bigotry, partisanship, ass-stupid logic of those opposing President Obama's speech to the country's youth about HARD WORK, RESPONSIBILITY, AND STAYING IN SCHOOL and merely post a copy of my email to the school principal to speak for me.
Has a decision been made whether or not Memorial will air this speech? I, for one, am in total favor of it and I really hope you guys do it. To not air it is teaching children to fear that with which they don't agree and that with enough uproar anyone can have their voice silenced. If the President of the United States can be silenced on a topic as innocuous as hard work, responsibility, and being encouraged to stay in school then what hope do our children have to stand up for what they believe in and make their voices heard?
6 months ago
What?! I don't understand why this is even an issue. Of COURSE this should be shown! He's the President. And if parents don't agree with what he has to say, then what a fabulous opportunity to open up political conversations with your children.
Amen! Unfortunately it's a HUGE issue.
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