Lincoln and I have been out working on the pool deck all day and have actually been fairly productive. Things were going smoothly until we noticed the drill was gone. Where had it gone you ask? In the pool of course.
First thought: Crap, are we going to have to buy a new drill?
Answer: Most likely not. Once we fished it out it still worked. Will it work once it is dry, who knows? At this point, who cares?
And why do we not care? Because the drill tore a gash - not just a hole, but a gash - in the lining of the pool. As the water was rushing out of the pool I had the idea - THANK GOD - to put a "stopper" in it to slow it down until we could drain the rest of the water out of the pool. If the water goes out through the hole it will eat away all the sand and dirt under the pool making it that much more difficult to fix. If we can pump it out with the sump pump we can at least salvage the bottom of the pool. Lincoln got a hand towel, wrapped it around some PVC pipe and stuck it on top of the hole. For now it's holding.
Once we managed to stop the water from leaking we started pumping out the pool. That takes quite a bit of time so I headed in to do some quick research on whether or not we were going to have to replace the pool liner or if we could repair it. Luckily it looks like we can repair it even though it's on the bottom of the pool. We have a couple of solutions that can be done under water.
Under water? Yes, that means I'm about to jump in the 55 degree pool full of leaves and dead bugs (the filter has been turned off for a week or two) and do a little late summer swimming. Lincoln is now - finally - on his way to Ace Hardware to pick up the stuff that will hopefully work to repair the pool. If it doesn't we're really screwed and will have to replace the whole thing. Not cheap.
My biggest frustration? The fact that when I came in to do the research, and went back out to tell Lincoln we had an underwater option, he didn't jump in his truck and run to Ace before the pool was completely destroyed. No, he decided to disassemble his tent from the camp out last night. Really? REALLY? Not quite as important as trying to fix the pool before irreparable damage is done or before THE SUN SETS and I have to get in the 55 degree pool with no sun to at least pretend to warm me. No, he had decided to disassemble the tent while I was inside doing the research and since he thinks differently then I do he decides to finish one project before moving onto the next one. I tend to move to THE MOST URGENT ONE even if it means leaving the tent half up and half down.
My husband is perfect 99.999999999999% of the time and it is incredibly, incredibly rare for us to have an argument. I am happy to say we didn't have an argument over this. And I'm even more proud to say that I didn't take the pole from the tent and jam it through his head.
6 months ago
ugh, omg what a disaster!!! I hope everything worked out. :(
The epoxy patch I applied - UNDER WATER - is currently holding. And after a hot bath ending with a heated towel from a towel bar my husband installed for me things are good again.
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