Ever since kindergarten Hannah has had "boyfriends". In kindergarten she had 4 of them. I think in first grade she had five. She definitely is friends with lots of boys. She's the only girl on her little league team. Recently she was the only girl at a birthday party. At lunch she usually sits with the boys. When I volunteered for lunch duty when she was in kindergarten I had to laugh because all the girls sat at one end of the table and all the boys sat at the other end. Guess where Hannah was? At the boys end....as far away as she could be from the girls. And yet if you ask her, she can list at least 3 girls that are her "best friends".
Tonight she received a thank you note from the boy whose birthday party she recently attended (the one where she was the only girl). We'll call him Charlie Moore (not his real name).
Me: Hannah, did you get the mail today?
Hannah: No, why?
Me: I was wondering if you got your thank you note from Charlie yet. His mom told me the other day that your thank you card was the only one that he signed "love, Charlie".
(long pause)
Hannah (hesitating and trying to figure out what to say): Charlie.....he's a really good friend. I mean, he is really, really nice. He is always helps me out with things. He's very nice. Very fun to be around.
Ouch....the poor kid is only 8 years old and is already sentenced to the "friend" role by a girl who collects boyfriends like a dog collects fleas. His high school years are going to suck.
6 months ago
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