It only took 2 1/2 months but here are some pictures from our trip out to see Mom and Dad back at the end of February. We flew in and out of Las Vegas and stayed at Mom and Dad's rental place in Needles, CA for a few nights. The last two days we spent in Las Vegas staying in "old Vegas" at the Golden Nugget hotel. Since Mom and Mark take so many pictures I didn't take any on my own camera. When I was out in Seattle a few weeks ago I had Mark load up all of his pictures onto a flash drive for me. Below are a few of my favorites. The green tags that Hannah and Jake are wearing, if you're wondering, are ID tags that I made up for them that they have to wear when we travel. On them it lists our home and cell phone numbers as well as phone numbers for Mom and Dad and Lincoln's parents. It also includes any medical conditions or allergies for each kid. I make them wear them whenever we're out in large, public areas in case we get separated from each other.
Feeding the donkeys in Oatman, AZ:
Hannah and Jake with Grandpa and Grandma Lentz in Oatman, AZ:
Lincoln, Hannah, and Jake feeding the donkeys in Oatman, AZ:
The shark tank in the middle of the pool at the Golden Nugget hotel. Note the tube going through the middle of the tank. That's the waterslide.
Hannah having fun with Uncle Mark's underwater camera:

More fun with Uncle Mark's underwater camera:
I could resist including this picture. The look on Dad's face is priceless. I'm guessing Jake must have just been splashing him the face while he motored his little floaty around.
The scuba divers in the fish tank. They really freaked Jake out even more than the sharks. He didn't mind the sharks at all.
Jake giving "two thumbs up" for his McDonald's lunch. McDonald's is a pretty big treat around here since we don't take them out for fast food very often.
Hannah and Mommy out on Fremont Street for the light show:
And last but not least, a little video of the kids feeding the donkeys in Oatman, AZ. Jake's telling them "No, you can't have anymore!" is the best.
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