Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It is time to move away from Massachusetts

Not only do they not sell beer and wine in the grocery stores but now they want to tax it! What is this world coming to? On top of everything else you also can't have alcohol shipped to you from out of state. I guess that's what I get for moving to a state founded by Puritans.


mark said...

The no-beer-and-wine-in-grocery-stores would've been a deal breaker from the start for me. Coming back to IA must be like...well, Heaven. ;)

Diane Lentz Snow said...

No kidding! A few years ago they tried to get a law passed allowing wine (just wine...not beer) in the grocery stores. You would have thought they were saying all small children and dogs would be beaten with broken wine bottles on a daily basis the way the masses came out against it. What is wrong with these people?