In January 2001, when I was eight weeks pregnant with Hannah, I had to have my appendix removed. While in Singapore on business I had appendicitis and checked into the hospital. When I woke up from surgery there were four color photos and a VHS tape on the bedside table. Apparently they were little mementos from my surgery, courtesy of my doctor (who had a minor God complex which I later discovered). The four pictures were of my insides during the laparoscopic surgery.
I checked out of the hospital on Friday morning and had to go to the doctor's office on Saturday to have my incisions checked before I flew home on Sunday. I actually don't think they were stitches.....I'm pretty sure they were "glued" shut. Anyway, I don't remember because all I can remember from that appointment was the fact that the doctor made Lincoln and me (Lincoln flew over to Singapore when he found out I was going to have surgery) sit down and watch the video with him. Yes, we were forced to watch the video of him cutting out my appendix while listening to him talk about what a brilliant man he was and how had he slipped even a little bit he would have punctured my slowly growing uterus. He even made sure to point out my uterus and how close the scope passed by.
Needless to say, seeing that TV and VCR today gave me the chills.
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