Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hannah's fashion statement

Me: Wow.  That's quite an outfit.

Hannah: Thanks.

Me: pairing of patterns.

Hannah (preening proudly): Thank you.

Some days you just have to pick your battles.   It's my own fault for making the deal that I made on the first day of school.  I am, however, going to hold onto this picture FOREVER and use it to embarrass the heck out of her when she's older.


map said...

Adorable. Are her shoes on the wrong feet? ;)

Diane Lentz Snow said...

Actually, no, they're not. They sure look like it in the picture though, don't they?

Jennifer said...

lol, too cute! She's definitely not lacking in the creative sphere.

Unknown said...

Do you ever worry that there are probably adults at school who wonder where her mother is when she leaves for school? (jk)

Unknown said...

I do have to say, in Hannah's defense, that she is definitely a leader and she has no worries that any of her peers will disapprove. They are more likely to be following her example. She's very fortunate to have such confidence!

Diane Lentz Snow said...

I am incredibly proud of her confidence and I hope it carries her through life. But yes, I do sometimes wonder what people think of us for letting her out of the house dressed like that. LOL.