Tonight was our parent/teacher conference at Hannah's school. Tracy came over to watch the kids and she is one of Jake's favorite people in the whole world. When we got back from the conference I walked in the door first. Jake popped up from the couch and said "Mommy - why did you have to come home?" He sounded so disappointed.
As for Hannah's conference.....
She got rave reviews from her teacher. Mrs. Bomba is very impressed with Hannah's writing, in particular, as well as her reading skills. Hannah is also very into science and social studies and she is enjoying doing research projects at school. This morning Hannah told me that she doesn't like math and that she thinks that "equations are hard". We asked Mrs. Bomba about it and she said that Hannah does get it but that she has to work at it. She thinks that because everything else comes so easily to Hannah that the fact that she actually has to sit and work on math is a bit foreign to her and frustrates her a bit. I'm terrible at math so I know how she feels.
Mrs. Bomba was also very impressed with Hannah's vocabulary and her comprehension of what she reads. I guess the kids get to pick out poems for the class to work on and Hannah picks out ones that are very funny but that the humor is above the other childrens' head. Mrs. Bomba said she feels bad because she doesn't often get to use Hannah's selection. She seemed in awe of the fact that Hannah understands these poems and actually understands why they're funny. There is a difference between the ability to read the words and to actually comprehend the words and Hannah seems to have mastered that skill.
She also says that Hannah has a great disposition and gets along well with everyone. Hannah is always up for trying everything and is very open to trying new projects.
We're very proud of Hannah. It was a great conference and we couldn't be happier about the job she is doing in school. She absolutely loves it. One of the things we got to read tonight was her "why you should vote for me for president" paper and one of her platforms was that we should make the school day longer so that kids could learn more.
Along those lines, here is her journal entry from 11/10/08.
This weekend was great but not as fun as school! In school we do math and gym and music and art and science and read books and more. At home I play on the computer, watch TV, and talk with Grandma on the phone. See not as fun as school!
Yeah, she's a weird one that kid.
6 months ago
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