Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Like Father Like Daughter

Mom informed me that Dad had two TVs stacked on top of each other last night just like the old days. Here was my set up. I had CNN on the small TV, Fox News, and MSNBC on the dual-tuner tivo, and four sites up on my laptop (CNN, MSNBC, WHDH, and Karl Rove's site).

I have to say it did end up giving me bad dreams last night. I couldn't sleep because all I could see in my dreams was the revolving programs with the scroll bars at the bottom and the side bars with the state info changing and the different commentators rotating around and around in my head. It was a little creepy - talk about media overload.

I have to say, I was a little disappointed in the Fox News coverage. Not for the usual reasons though. They were so defeatist. Fox usually blusters it's way through anything no matter what but they pretty much packed up the party and went home early in the evening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I went the single TV route last night as the outcome was never in doubt. MSNBC was typically painful but entertainingly so...

Apparently I missed the "ah ha!" moment when after Obama was called they actually realized that the pre-school platitudes of the last two years really left them with no clue as to how Comrade Obama will truly govern once in office. Who will he beholden to? Unions? Warren Buffet? Oprah?