For Christmas Jake received Super Mario Brothers Wii which allows up to 4 players to play at the same time. It is quite interesting because you have to work together and you can actually be a hindrance to your teammates if you don't work together. Jake sometimes has a problem getting through the levels and it's easy to get frustrated with him. Heck, it's easy to get frustrated with Lincoln and Hannah too. Basically everyone gets frustrated with everyone else and you have to stay in a good mood or the game starts getting played in what Lincoln refers to as "divorce mode".
Jake: Mommy, will you play Super Mario with me?
Me: Sure.
Jake: But you can't get mad at me. We're not going to do the castle, okay?
Me: Okay.
Jake: You can't get mad at me.
Me: If you're goofing around and you do something wrong, I might get mad at you.
Jake: But making mistakes are part of growing up!
Me: (laughing uncontrollably)
Jake: They are!!! Mommy!! Mistakes are part of growing up!
Me (still laughing): Give me a hug. You're too funny. And you're right. Mistakes are part of growing up.
6 months ago
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