For the most part I've managed to keep my musical knowledge - or lack thereof - a secret from my boss. Everyone else in the office may know that I thought Led Zepplin was a person and not a band but for the most part I think my boss thinks I have at least a smidgen of musical knowledge. And except for the New Kids on the Block framed artwork in my office he doesn't know I lack any discernible taste either.
Until today.
Right now I have four autographed guitars in my office because our Director of Promotions got displaced in the office flood and they were safer in my office than going into storage. My boss was in my office today and we were discussing the guitars and he said that he has a signed guitar in his office. I have worked here for a little over 7 years and I've never noticed the guitar in his office, although to be fair, there is a lot of musical paraphernalia in there that I've never looked at. Some of it is just propped against the walls on the floor and not on display.
Why is this important?
Because he informed me he has a signed guitar in his office from Meatloaf and I gasped. GASPED! I love Meatloaf. I'm actually rocking out to Bat Out of Hell as I'm typing this. Heck, we had Bat Out of Hell as our recessional at our wedding (just the instrumental version of course).
So he has his back to me, checking out the signed guitars, when he tells me oh so casually that he has an autographed Meatloaf guitar that I've been walking by for SEVEN YEARS and never noticed. And yes, I gasped. He turned around and gave me the strangest look.
I have taken so much flak in the office over the past seven years for my love of Meatloaf. I think today I finally sealed the deal as a complete idiot.
And now I'm plotting how I can get that guitar down here in my office. I'm sure he'll never notice that it's missing. Right?
6 months ago
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