I never thought I'd be a dog lover.
I certainly never thought I'd own a dog that went to doggie daycare.
Guess what?
I am.
Leopold is such a doll. It is so pathetic how much love we lavish on that little pup. I get jealous when he chooses to snuggle with Hannah instead of me. I'm ecstatic that he prefers me over Lincoln. When I was gone for three days working on the office clean-up I missed him as much as I missed Jake and Hannah. He is quite literally my third baby.
My sister-in-law, the other Diane Snow, owns a doggie daycare. Today was the first day since we got Leo that both Lincoln and I had to go to work so Leo went to Di's doggie daycare today. Talk about a seriously worn out pup. He is exhausted. Tonight Hannah was playing on her laptop next to him and this was the most energy he could muster up. He didn't even try to eat her mouse and he chews on everything these days.
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