Last night was Lincoln's 20th high school reunion. It was the third time that I've been to a reunion with him and every time has been a totally different experience. The first time - at his 10th - it was at a bar/restaurant and it was definitely more of a party atmosphere. Most of the people weren't married yet or if they were a lot of them didn't have kids. Lincoln and I had just started dating and weren't even engaged yet. Five years ago, when we attended his 15th reunion, I was about 2 weeks away from having Jake. I wasn't the only pregnant lady there but I was definitely the one that was closest to her due date. We didn't' stay long for that one. It was in a hotel ballroom not far from Upton and whenever we go to social events Lincoln sort of relies on me to be the social one and the one who can make small talk with people I've never met but he went to school with for 12 years. (Strange, I know.) Since I was so largely pregnant and uncomfortable we didn't stay long at that reunion and it wasn't much fun for either of us as far as I could tell. Last night was in the same ballroom as the 15th reunion but it was yet another totally different experience. This time I didn't see any pregnant people but there was a lot of talk about work and people being laid off and more "grown-up" topics. It is definitely interesting to watch a group of people age and mature over the past 10 years.
Lincoln and I went to my 10-year reunion four years ago so my 15th will be coming up next year. I'm not even sure we're doing anything for it but if we do that will mean a trip down to Arkansas for us. Last time it was held at the end of July and we took the whole family down there. Poor Jake - who was about 9 months old at the time - had a heat rash around his diaper waistband the entire time we were there. My poor New England kids (and husband) weren't used to the Southern heat and it had been a long time since I had experienced it as well.
I really do hope that my high school class does something for the reunion next year. I definitely don't get to see my Arkansas friends very often although I've been able to stay connected with a lot more of them through Facebook these days but I'd love to see everyone in person.
Reunions are a strange and wonderful thing. They can be an absolute train wreck or one of the best nights of your life. They're like a sociology experiment in a petri dish and I find them vastly entertaining.
6 months ago
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