Jake is on a Mr. Independence streak lately. He wants to be the one to unlock the door when we come home. He doesn't want any help with his seat belt. That sort of stuff. Every time you try to help him he screams "I'll do it!" This is great but it also slows things way, way down sometimes.
Today we were getting into the car while out running errands and Jake wanted to do his seat belt all by himself. He actually did it fairly quickly (that time) and Lincoln and I were joking about how grown up he was.
Me: Our children are all grown up.
Lincoln: (jokingly) So, should we have another baby?
Me: NO!
Hannah: What?
Me: Nothing. Daddy made a bad joke.
Hannah: About what?
Me: Having another baby. Do you want another little brother?
Hannah: No....but a little sister might do.
Not. Going. To. Happen.
6 months ago
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