Ever since that happened I have had a bit of a fear of hardwood floors. When we built our house I was adamant that we would not have hardwood floors in the house. The rational part of my brain realizes that the linoleum in the kitchen is just as slippery but it didn't matter. And I realize that my kids probably spend more waking hours at their grandparents house then ours and that there house is also all hardwood floors. But I still feared those damn hardwood floors. We always sent the kids to Grandma and Grandpa's in "no-skid" socks from Old Navy or if Hannah was wearing tights we made her keep her shoes on or wear "no-skid" socks over the tights while at Grandma and Grandpa's. When I was over there with them and watched them come down stairs I practically had a heart attack every time.
Lincoln put up with my craziness and we have carpet all through the house except in the kitchen and bathrooms. Last year we turned the dining room into the office and I've finally come to the conclusion that it would look better as a hardwood floor. I told Lincoln we should change it and he just laughed and said "Oh NOW you want hardwood in here but not when it was a dining room?" And he was right. It made no sense for it to be carpeted in there and now we have a million stains. Although to be fair some of the stains aren't from eating at the dining room table and are from the kids having drinks in there when their desk was in the dining room.
Today we finally changed it. We had hardwood laminate put in and the old, nasty stained carpet ripped out. It has taken me many, many years to come to terms with it but I'm finally okay with "hardwood" floors. I realize these are just fake ones but this is a HUGE step for me.
That looks sharp, I really like it. How on earth do you find time for all of these projects?
WOW!!! loooking good!!! i cant wait to see it! <3
OH! and congrats wit your newfound acceptance! lol
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