This week has not been a fun one. In fact it has been incredibly insane and it's only Thursday. It is Thursday, right? I thought it was Thursday on Tuesday so who knows what day it really is.
Monday night was my boss's dinner meeting that I had to help facilitate and a fundraiser that a friend of mine was helping to organize. Luckily the two were only 2 blocks away from each other in downtown Boston but it was a late night.
Tuesday was all about Family Fun Night. We had a couple of people over at the house for a few hours after work to do a lot of the prep stuff before this Friday's event at Hannah's school. They were there from about 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. and after they left I started working on the video I wanted to do for the anniversary of Uncle Linus's death yesterday. Yes I could have started working on that weeks ago but between being sick, our trip to Washington, DC and Family Fun Night looming over my head it just kept getting pushed off another day and another day and another day.
Wednesday morning was all about Family Fun Night in the morning. I had to organize everything that didn't get done the night before so that it could be distributed to stay-at-home parents who were willing to do some of the work for us. Wednesday afternoon I ended up getting a little bit of a miracle tossed my way when my boss told me I could leave early since it was a holiday. Three extra hours of unexpected time to work on FFN! Woohoo! Lincoln and I met up and headed to the craft store where we figured out how he was going to help me build a mini-sized post office by Friday night.
This morning was all about Family Fun Night again. I still have a lot of prep work for my own room to do and tonight is the monthly PTO meeting so I won't have much time to work on it tonight. I can't skip the meeting because I have to be there to beg, blackmail, and cajole volunteers into working some of the shifts I haven't been able to get covered yet. Luckily tomorrow I took the day off so I have all day to prep before the event.
Even more luckily I have the world's most wonderful husband. He spent hours with us on Tuesday night cutting out hundreds of things for FFN. Wednesday morning he distributed all the "at-home" work to the volunteers and picked them up in the evening. He's building my post office and even doing the spray-painting for me since he's the only one who can make it home when it's warm enough (and there is still daylight) outside to use spray paint. I'll have to do the detail painting on it tomorrow when I'm home.
Kristen, who is a senior in high school, is rounding up a bunch of her soccer teammates for me too so that I have more volunteers. What a life saver!
That's about it around here. All of that on top of work, commuting, Hannah's after-school extra-curricular activities, a babysitter that is sick so we have to make other arrangements, Lincoln running his own business, and just life in general.
Saturday morning, when this is all over, you'll find me curled up in a ball in the corner of the room rocking back and forth and muttering to myself. Just leave me be. I'm sure the nice men in the white coats will be along to get me shortly.
6 months ago
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