Making it that much easier of a trip to sell to my husband (which usually isn't very hard anyway) I justified it by using the photos that we have in our bedroom of a trip we took to DC when Hannah was 10 months old. There are three pictures in our bedroom of us in front of the White House and the Capitol and Jake gets very upset because 1) he thinks that is him in the picture and when we explain it is Hannah he doesn't believe us because "That's me! That's a baby! That's me!" and 2) once we finally convince him that Hannah was in fact a baby at one point he then asks "Where am I?" and gets very upset when we say he wasn't born yet. It's pretty comical but he does get very concerned. So I suggested we take the kids there and take pictures of us in front of the same places so that Jake could be included this time.
I'll save the rest of the details for later. There is a lot to tell since we crammed so much into our busy day but here is one photo to get you started.

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