Lincoln's birthday is this Saturday. We actually have a thing to go to on Friday night and a block party down the street on Saturday afternoon. I asked him over the weekend if he would like to have his family over for dinner or if it would be too much to do over the weekend. He seemed rather non-committal so I figured we'd figure out something over the course of the week. Yesterday morning Lincoln dropped the kids off at his parents house and came home for this conversation.
Link: So my mom is cooking lasagna to bring over Saturday night.
Me: Oh, okay. So we're doing dinner?
Link: Yep.
Me: Cool.
On my drive to the office I figured I'd call his brother and sister-in-law that afternoon to invite them down for dinner. Before that could happen Lincoln and I had lunch together since he was working in Cambridge for the day.
Link: So Di is bringing the cake on Saturday.
Me: Huh? You called and invited them already?
Link: Yep, I just figured I'd do it.
Me: Oh. Okay. I was going to you know.
Link: And my Mom said she's bring a salad too.
Me: Oh, okay. I guess I'll make br...
Link: And she said while she's at the store she'll just get the garlic bread too.
Me: So, what am I providing for your birthday dinner?
Link: We'll be providing a clean house.
Seriously? Am I the worst wife or what? Notice he said "we'll" be providing the clean house. The funny thing is I'm glad that I don't have to cook or anything but still, I could have at least called his brother and sister-in-law or thrown a few loaves of garlic bread in the oven. Sometimes I feel like a 1950's husband. I just show up after work in the evening, kiss the kids and the hubby hello, and sit down to eat the wonderful dinner that my loving husband has prepared. Maybe for his birthday I'll buy him a nice set of pearls to wear while he's vacuuming.
Oh wait, vacuuming is one of the few household things I do! I guess I do have a purpose.
6 months ago
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