In the process of cleaning out our bedroom closet I found my diaries ranging from 6th grade through about sophomore year of college. I was never a terribly faithful writer so at times I wrote in it every day and other times there would be weeks and months between entries. 99% of the time it was one boy or another that drove me to write in my diary. If you were to just read through the diaries - and not notice the big gaps in the timeline - you'd think I was a complete flake. Talk about fickle! One entry would be all about my "undying love" for one boy and then the next one would be about how much I hate that boy but love someone else. It was hilarious reading through the diaries last night.
It also amazed me, as I skimmed back over them today, that all the things I loved and hated about the boys that I dated are pretty much what make Lincoln who he is today. He has all the things that I liked from my various crushes and boyfriends and none of the things that I hated. Lincoln is truly the perfect combination and an absolute perfect fit for me. It's amazing how all those trials and tribulations - which at the time seemed like the world was ending - were really just getting me ready for meeting Lincoln.
As the Rascal Flatts song states: "God bless the broken road that led me straight to you."
6 months ago
It's a darn good thing Lincoln came along, because I don't think there are very many guys who would fit the bill! He really is great and you are very lucky!
You realize, now that you have "unearthed" those diaries they will probably never be as well hidden or secure as they have been for the past seven years buried under all that stuff! Oh well, that's the price you have to pay for neatness and organization!
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