Whenever Mom and Dad come to visit they help out around our house tremendously. It's pretty funny that getting my kids to clean the kids' play room voluntarily doesn't happen very often but when Grandma comes to visit Jake is begging to stay home and help her.
Mom and Jake worked on the kids' room today and it looks fantastic. You can actually see the trains on Jake's train table instead of it being used as a "catch-all" for their toys. On top of that Dad and Jake went out and cut back my rose bushes for the fall. I'm sure that over the next week while they're here there will be many more projects completed.
Other than that I've got nothing to discuss. This week has been insane at work and I'm putting in all sorts of long crazy hours. Luckily that is almost over and Saturday I get to treat myself to a pedicure before diving into the craziness of Jake's birthday party on Sunday. It always seems like there is one thing after another around here.
6 months ago
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