I am not a fan of our new school principal. To those of you that know me I have not made it a secret that I think she is doing a poor job and should be run out of town on a rail. Preferably covered in tar and feathers. Someday I'll get into the details of my issues with her but right now it's not worth the carpal tunnel that would be incurred by typing that much information. Let's just say that in my opinion she is evil and leave it at that.
My issue tonight is actually with the new Technology teacher. Here's the thing. She wasn't the new technology teacher until about 2 weeks ago. Before that she was the new part-time Dean of Students. She replaced the previous Dean of Students who was absolutely wonderful and should have been the new principal. No one told the parents that there was a new Dean of Students. It was never announced like the hiring of the new principal. I thought it was strange that she didn't show up to the first PTO meeting of the year which would have been a great time to introduce herself. It was like she was the Dean of Students that wasn't, if you know what I mean.
About two weeks ago the school district had to make some serious budget cuts. Apparently our part-time Dean of Students was also the part-time Technology teacher at the other elementary school. All of a sudden our current Tech teacher was out and the mysterious Dean of Students was in as a part-time Tech teacher at both schools and now there is no Dean of Students. I honestly don't care that she's no longer the Dean of Students because it wasn't like she was doing anything anyway as far as I can tell. The old Dean of Students used to be in charge of Character Education but that was gotten rid of this year in favor of expanding Tech to all grade levels so, really, what the hell was she doing?
But I digress....
This woman is supposed to be teaching our children and when she sent home her first communication to the parents this evening, in the form of a Technology Newsletter, there were seven typos in the first article alone. Three of them were in the first paragraph. Seriously??? This woman is in charge of teaching our children? I sent her a very snotty email questioning why we should entrust our children to her when I can't even figure out how she got her degree in the first place. I probably shouldn't have sent it - and even Lincoln was surprised I sent such a snotty email - but there is seriously something fishy going on over at the school lately. Why would you hire a Dean of Students that didn't do squat only to move her into a teaching position - thereby replacing a very qualified teacher - when she can barely write her own name? I'm surprised she didn't misspell that.
What the heck is going on over at that school and how do we fix it?
6 months ago
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