Mom and Dad just arrived for a week long visit. They try to come out to Boston every few months and the last time they were here was for Hannah's birthday in August. This time they're here for Jake's birthday which is next week. Five years ago when they flew out here it was because I was about to give birth. It seems so strange that it has been five years. They've been out here for Jake's birthday in previous years but for some reason this one seems like such a benchmark. Five really is when a kid leaves "toddler" behind for good and moves into being a "child".
I can remember perfectly their arrival five years ago. I ended up having to schedule an inducement when I delivered Jake. Unlike when Hannah and my two nephews were born Mom and Dad knew in advance when the baby would arrive. With the three older grandkids Mom and Dad would hop on the next flight as soon as we went into labor but they were never present when my sister and I gave birth. This was the first time they were going to actual be here for the delivery and Lincoln and I actually had Mom in the room for us when Jake was born. I think it meant a lot to her to see one of her grandkids being born and it was certainly special for me to have my mom in there with us.
The night before I was going to the hospital to have the baby - at the time we didn't know if it would be a Jacob or a Rachel - I should have been in bed trying to get some rest. Instead I sat up in what used to be the craft room (it's now Hannah's bedroom) and spent hours painting flower pots to be used as favors for Rachel's upcoming wedding. (Yes, if Jake had been a girl he would have been named after my friend Rachel.) It was the most calm, zen-like experience painting all those dozens and dozens of pots and knowing that Jake/Rachel would be born the next day. I just sat there largely pregnant and very uncomfortable, and painted pot after pot after pot. I think I was probably up well past midnight and Mom and Dad arrived somewhere around 11:30 p.m. if I'm not mistaken. We had to be at the hospital about 7:30 a.m. the next morning.
Anyway, I just can't believe it has been five years....
6 months ago
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