I realize I've been missing in action for the past few days but I have to say, my mental state these days has not been conducive to witty writings about my life. Work has been quite insane and I'm struggling to find the joy in my job these days. There are certain aspects of my job that I love more than anything and others that make me want to jump off the nearest bridge. I don't even know what is going on in my own head much less have the ability to write about it here. Obviously there aren't many things I can change about my situation given the current economy but that doesn't make it any easier to struggle with some of these issues. In fact, it makes it a lot harder.
Luckily I have a great friend in Tracy, who took me out Saturday night to distract me from all my woes. We had a great girls' night in the city where we went to dinner, saw a concert, and then crashed at a hotel after staying up until the wee hours of the morning chatting. Even better, I have a great husband in Lincoln who then let me come home and take a nice long nap and a hot bath to recover from a long night that would have been merely a blip on the radar back when I was 22 instead of 32.
6 months ago
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