As anyone who knows me will agree, I am not terribly domestic. Luckily Lincoln is. Even though I am physically capable of cooking, I don't. Lincoln loves to cook and over the years he has just sort of taken over the duties and I've gotten away from cooking. Even the recipes that I brought to the relationship have slowly been taken over - and perfected - by Lincoln over the years. And while I do the bulk of the "deep" weekend cleaning I hate the day to day pick-up that keeps the house functioning so Lincoln does most of that. And while I have no aversion to sorting or starting the laundry, I hate hanging up, folding and putting away the clothes. I also don't mind washing the sheets but hate making the beds. This is why Lincoln and I are such a perfect couple. He's willing to do all the things I hate. Isn't it nice when it just works out that way?
This weekend was a different story because Lincoln went to Virginia to visit his best friend, Mike, for his 40th birthday. Mike's family was throwing him a surprise party so for Valentine's Day I gave Lincoln the trip down to Virginia so that he could attend. It was the least I could do since 1) I go on "girl's weekends" all the time with Tracy and 2) I got to fly down to New Orleans for Tracy's 40th birthday.
But that left me in the roll of having to do ALL the household chores this weekend including laundry, cleaning, cooking, and grocery shopping. I really hate the grocery shopping part. I avoid the grocery store at all costs and having to go with both kids did not sound like fun to me.
I don't know what Lincoln bribed the kids with but they were fantastic for me all weekend. We got the house clean, the laundry done, the beds stripped and re-made, and (almost) all the meals cooked. We didn't eat out once this weekend although to be fair I let the kids order pizza Sunday night. It was the least I could do since they were so well behaved this weekend. Hannah in particular was a huge help. She played with Jake and helped him with the computer. She set the table while I was making meals and helped me give the dog a bath when he stepped in his own poop and had it caked all over his feet.
When Lincoln is around I'll admit I usually take the easy way out. I let him do most of the "heavy lifting" when it comes to daily chores but I'm very proud of myself for all that I accomplished this weekend. I'm sure many people think I should be doing this all the time but I know my faults and that's one of them. Luckily Lincoln loves me just the way I am.
6 months ago
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