I moved to Massachusetts 11 years ago this August. When I decided to move out here I didn't know a soul except for the fact that my 10th grade yearbook advisor from Arkansas had moved here. I looked her up - never knowing if they even still lived in Massachusetts - and not only did she remember me but they invited me to come stay with them.
My senior year of college I came out here for spring break to look for a place to live. When I moved out here the following June I lived in their basement for 2 months while I waited to get into my condo. Their daughters took part in our wedding and Deb and Michael threw us a wonderful post-wedding brunch the day after our wedding.
Their daughters - Shani and Kristen - have become my little sisters. They have become my "East Coast" family. They have become another set of grandparents to my children. I am so blessed to have them in my life.
But it never hit me just how included we have been in their family until last night. I've always felt loved and included but this was different. We co-host the Derby party with them every year and they introduce me as their daughter. We've always been tight and have taken part in family events. Like I said, they played a big part in our wedding - not only by throwing us a brunch but also acting as "host and hostess" at the wedding.
Last night was Michael's retirement party. He is retiring from his position here in Massachusetts and has accepted a new job in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The party was put on by the people he works with. It was a great evening.
The evening was to be for co-workers and his family. It didn't surprise me that they had us added to the guest list but it did sort of surprise me that we were at the head table. That's right. The table of honor. It blew me away. Lincoln and I sat there with Deb and Michael, Shani, and Michael's wonderful children from his previous marriage. (Kristen was out of town on a previously planned graduation trip.) I have never felt so honored.
I have loved and respected and cherished them for so many years but I have never felt so loved and cherished as I did last night.
I am proud to be part of that family and I can't thank them enough for letting me - and my husband and children - into to their lives all of these years.
6 months ago
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