But I do have a few self-imposed rules about what I'll write.
- I won't write anything that I wouldn't be willing to repeat to any family, friend or stranger. If I'm not willing to have it on the 5 o'clock news, I won't write it.
- I won't write about personal things that are going on in the lives of my family and friends unless they give me permission. Everything I write on here has to do with me, my thoughts, my opinions, and my immediate family only.
- I won't post pictures of other people's kids without their permission. I generally don't post pictures of anyone outside of me, Link, and the kids but every now and then I will if the person is okay with it.
- I won't talk badly about other people unless I've already expressed it to them directly - or am willing to express it to them directly.
- I don't talk about other people's kids except, occasionally, in passing. I would never write anything rude about another person's kid although, to be honest, that limits a lot of what I could write about.
- I won't vent about an issue - political, social, or otherwise - unless it's one that I'm willing to debate with anyone who wants to talk to me about it.
- And I don't talk about my middle sister because I honestly believe her jackass husband would likely sue me if I did. That was the first - and last - time I'll even come remotely close to mentioning her.
And that's it. I don't regret that the principal found out about my blog. I don't regret that obviously some parent out there has way too much time on their hands and wants to stir up trouble by sending the link to the principal. I'm more than willing to stand by what I write and I'm comfortable with what I'm willing to make public so I think I'm doing just fine.
You should hear the way Leah and I talk about your kids. It's SHAMEFUL! But you can't hear us, so we're fine with it.
I can only imagine!
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