The lesson Lincoln and I learned this weekend is never, ever, EVER ignore the job of raking the leaves in the fall. We didn't rake them this past fall and so that was our project for this weekend. That means for the past five months or so thousands of leaves and pine needles have been compacted into the lawn under the weight of snow and record breaking rainfall. This was not something you could just get a leaf blower out for and take care of quickly. Oh no, it required some serious physical labor to rake up all the leaves that were embedded into the ground. It definitely wasn't as bad as having to ice pick the driveway in order to get an oil delivery but it was pretty close. I have bruises and blisters on both my hands and every muscle from my neck to my waist is screaming at me.
So, lesson learned, never neglect your leaf clean up in the fall.
6 months ago
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