Wednesday, August 4, 2010

5 years

Five years ago this coming December I was out on maternity leave with Jake. I am now about to take a leave of absence from work to help me deal with my depression. My first real absence from work since Jake was born.

Tonight, when Jake fell asleep on the couch, all long limbs and stretched out body, it knocked me on my ass just how quickly these past five years have gone by. The last time I was on leave from work he was a tiny infant, nursing and sleeping all day long. Now he's tall, handsome, outgoing, sometimes annoying, and all around hilarious.

What a difference five years make.


Unknown said...

I thought Jake was five last December?

Diane Lentz Snow said...

Yes, but he's still 5 when I'm out on leave for the next few months. Technically I should have said 5 years 8 months.

Diane Lentz Snow said...
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