Sunday, July 25, 2010

Jakey says the darnest things

For the past few days Jake has been up in Maine with my sister-in-law Diane and his cousin Kayla. Earlier today Diane took the kids to York Wild Kingdom where they have all sorts of carnival rides and games. Apparently they went up on the Ferris Wheel and when they came back down Jake said he didn't like the ride, he LOVED it. He then proceed to talk about the "magnificent view" from the top. Di was cracking up at his vocabulary.

I've talked to Di a couple of times each day but Jake hasn't really missed us enough to want to stop playing and chat. We talked to him very briefly last night and then missed a call from him a little earlier this evening. About 20 minutes after he called I noticed we had missed the call on my cell phone so we called him back. At the campground up in Maine you have to walk away from the trailer to get a good cell signal. After he got my voice mail he walked back into the trailer with Kayla, stomped his foot, and announced to his Aunt Diane "Seriously? She doesn't even have time to talk to her son!?!" Di was still laughing about it when I called back 20 minutes later.

Jake has done wonderfully being off by himself. I was worried that he would get homesick and that he'd certainly miss Daddy but I guess he's been having a blast and behaving really well for his Aunt Diane. I am so incredibly proud of him.

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