Leinie's HoneyWeiss and BerryWeiss can now be found in Massachusetts! Years of smuggling it out here in a suitcase, loading up the back of our car on the road trip from Iowa, and attempting to drive over the border into New York to buy Leinie's has finally come to an end. The world's greatest beer can now be purchased here in Massachusetts.
Now, if I can just get Mike to start selling it down at the Rose Garden on draft I'll be one happy (and very drunk) camper!
6 months ago
But can you get Summer Shandy???
That is the best of the best...
yes, we can get sunset wheat, summer shandy, berry, and honey but neither of us like the summer shandy (sorry!).
(Sips his Berry Weiss..) That Summer Shandy is chick beer!
I don't think one can call Summer Shandy chick beer whilst drinking BERRY weiss...
(Opens another Berry with his teeth..) Them's fightin' words!
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