Hannah had her first Little League practice today. It was supposed to be practice and a game but that didn't work out since we didn't seem to have a team to play against.
Last Sunday was the Loyalty Day parade here in Upton. I know it has some deeper, patriotic significance than this but basically it's just a chance for all the kids playing t-ball, little league, fast pitch, etc. to walk from Memorial School to the VFW. Having grown up in Decorah, to me a parade should be like the Homecoming Parade of the Nordic Fest Parade. Huge floats...lots of candy...beauty queens waving from the back of convertibles....but not here in Upton. This parade consists of a police escort, color guard, surviving VFW members (of which there are about 7), a fire truck, and then all the teams walking (yes, walking...no floats) down the street. That's about it. Some teams throw candy but most don't. The entire parade lasts about 5-10 minutes. Afterwards everyone gathers at the VFW and there are some speeches, a few hot dogs, and that's it. We didn't even stay past the singing of the anthem. To be honest, Lincoln took the kids home for Jake's desperately needed nap and Tracy and I took off for mani/pedis. Denise joined us a little while later.
Anyway, getting back to the story about Hannah's first practice. The first one was scheduled for Monday but we've had a few days of rain and it was rained out. She has practices and games every Monday and Wednesday so today ended up being the first one. The practices are supposed to run from 6:00 - 7:00 and then the games from 7:00 to 7:30 so I should be able to make most games if I leave work on time. Today I left a little early and got there shortly after practice started and Hannah was having a blast. They practiced fielding, throwing, and batting and Hannah did pretty great at all of it. She was particularly good at batting but some of the boys on the team still blew her away. There are about 9 kids on the team....only 2 are girls....1 of which was afraid to get up and bat. Hannah really held her own against the boys and has the grass stains on her knees to prove it.
Above is a picture of Hannah getting ready to field some balls. Hopefully Lincoln will get some videos up on YouTube soon. Red Sox territory is a rough place for a kid to learn to play ball....Hannah let one go between her legs while fielding the ball and Lincoln teasingly called out "Way to go, Buckner!". For those of you not obsessed with Red Sox lore, first baseman Bill Buckner let a ball go through his legs in Game 6 of the 1986 World Series which ultimately led to a Game 7 that the Sox lost costing the Red Sox a World Series Championship.
they really don't make her play in jeans, do they? :)
No, but she doesn't have baseball pants yet. I plan on getting her some sweats before next week.
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