If you haven't already read about Jake's punishment this morning click here before reading this post.
This kid is certainly working all the angles on this punishment. It's almost scary how creative he is. I can see a career as a defense attorney in his future.
Jake: Can I watch TV at Grandma's house?
Me: No.
Jake: But it's not our TV.
Me: Doesn't matter. It's still TV.
Jake: What can I have to drink?
Me: White milk or water.
Jake: So, I can still have regular milk?
Me: Yes.
Jake: Ok. Then I'll have chocolate for dessert. You know, chocolate in a wrapper.
Me: Ummm....not necessarily.
Jake: Why not?
Me: You'd still have to have permission to have chocolate for dessert and the way you're going that isn't going to happen.
Jake: Can I use my computer?
Me: Yes, we didn't ban you from that....yet.
Jake: Ok.
Jake: Can I watch YouTube videos on my computer?
Me: No.
Jake: Why?
Me: Because it's too much like TV.
Jake: But it's not like TV. It's smaller. And on the computer.
6 months ago
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