This is one of those stories that I've been meaning to write about for awhile. Back before Christmas Jake was trying to plug in his laptop but unfortunately the outlet is between the wall and the couch. It's sort of a pain to get to.
Jake: Whose idea was it to put the couch here!
Me: Probably mine.
Jake: Well, you shouldn't have done it!
Me: It may have been my idea but Daddy concurred.
Jake: Well don't ever concur with Mommy again!
Me: Oh yeah? If Daddy didn't concur with Mommy we wouldn't have this house. We wouldn't have....
Link: ....You.
Me: That's right.
Jake: Well don't do it anymore!
Me: So Jake, if Mommy were to go to Daddy and say "I think we should take the kids back to Niagara Falls." what should Daddy say?
Jake: Concur! Concur!!!
6 months ago
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