Jake talks.
A lot.
And I mean a LOT.
The other day he fell asleep in the car on the way to Kristen's soccer game. When he first woke up he started babbling incoherent sentences. I wasn't even sure he was speaking English. All we knew was that he was awake and therefore he had to be making noise.
Have I mentioned he talks a lot?
Since I walked in the door about an hour ago Jake hasn't been quiet for more than about 10 seconds at a time. He's either talking about school or Dinosaur Train or orange water (OJ mixed with water) or balloons. Seriously, he just talks.
And talks.
Jake: Today, on the bus ride home, it was REALLY quiet today.
Me: Oh yeah?
Link: Why, were you asleep?
(laughter from me, Link, and Hannah)
Hannah: I know! Let's play the quiet game!
(Lincoln, Hannah and I immediately stop talking.)
Jake: HOLD ON! HOLD ON! HOLD ON! Ready? Uno, dos, tres....
(silence for approximately 20 seconds)
Jake: (as he bites into his taco and starts chewing) Num, num, num, num
(The 3 of us burst into laughter again.)
Hannah: You should blog about that. I might blog about that. That is definitely blogworthy.
6 months ago
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